SKITTERING PIG: With hopefully Spring on the horizon, we have been busy over the winter preparing for our guests. We have new racks and cages in the guinea pig board room and have laid new flooring in the rabbit room. Not to mention sorting out any rubbish and giving everything a good deep clean. With all this in mind don't forget to book your babies in for their holidays. Just to mention also that we will be having some painting done over the next month, so please be careful when dropping off or picking up if there is stuff laid in front garden. To my wonderful clients We are going to have to ask for a 10% non refundable deposit on all bookings of £50 and over. I am very sorry about this and have resisted going down this route. Unfortunately we have had a few issues recently which has prompted me to ask for deposits especially during our busy periods. You will receive 2 invoices from me. one asking for the deposit and the second with your final amount. As normal you can pay the full amount. As usual full payment must be made at least 24 hours before boarding or first visit. I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Welcome to 2025! Well yes I know we are 2 weeks in now! But fed up with the cold weather? thinking of warmer places? Dont forget to book your fur babies with us. We are taking bookings for any dates in 2025, including Christmas! Thank you all so much for the wonderful words of support for yesterday's funeral. Apart from bitterly cold the service was lovely and my beloved sister in law and brother in law can finally rest. Their cat Poppy who went to a family member has settled well into her new home and is being very much spoilt, which is a delight to hear. Thank you again x We are taking a personal day today as it is the funeral of my beloved sister in law & brother in law. All messages etc will be responded to on Saturday. Thank you for your understanding. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Happy 10th Birthday! Cecil! Edward and I would like to wish all our wonderful clients. A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Thank you for entrusting your furbabies to us this year and hope to see you all in 2025. Last few remaining piggy spaces for Christmas and New Year. We still have some home visit spaces available. To any clients out Bedford way who need either kennels or a cattery I really recommend Wayside Kennels & Cattery Wayside House Chapel Road Meppershall Shefford Bedfordshire SG17 5NQ These people were unbelievably kind and helpful during a family emergency recently where I had to find emergency care for a cat. Although in the end a family member took the cat, Wayside were so very helpful and understanding. We still have some spaces for guinea pigs over Christmas and New Year but are full to rabbits. We still have availability for home visits. Also we welcome any holiday dates for 2025 Dont forget to book your companions in for Christmas and New Year. Please note drop off / pick up times for Christmas & New Year are Last drop 23rd December, first pick up 27th December Last drop 30th December, first pick up 2nd January You can of course book right through Yes we are doing Home Visits over the Festive Season too. Also if you have any 2025 holiday dates please let us know as soon as you can if you require boarding or Home Visits. We are taking some personal time in March and September 2025, please DM me for the actual dates. This is the official news regarding RVHD2 from Rabbit Welfare RVHD2 update We are aware that there is, sadly, yet another strain of Rabbit Viral Haemorrhagic disease out there: “virulent” or “highly virulent” RVHD2. It’s been detected in Hungary, France, Northern Italy and the Netherlands, where it makes up approximately 50% of the cases seen (the other 50% being "classical" RVHD2). As yet, we can’t be sure of its presence in the UK, as no work has been done to look for it. We are in the process of finding out if it is possible to do any surveillance for it, but we know from past experience with previous strains, that it is only a matter of time before it gets here, if it’s not here already. The good news is that there is a new vaccine which covers both it and the "classical" RVHD2 strain, but not RVHD1, nor myxomatosis. The bad news is that we don't expect this to be available in the UK until early next year. Because of the restriction placed on us by the Veterinary Medicine Directorate we are not able to provide the names of any vaccinations to rabbit guardians and care givers, only to clinicians such as vets. However, we are communicating this to them also so you should contact your vet for advice. We hope to be able to give more news nearer the time of its release, including suggested vaccine regimes, for vets and for owners. Until then, please do not stop vaccinating with the currently available vaccine, as this offers the fullest possible protection available right now, , and please continue to take sensible precautions to avoid bringing it into your rabbit's environment (eg by changing outdoor footwear at the door, and being careful to forage in places with, ideally, no wild rabbits present). If you are adding any new rabbits to your household (or if you run a rescue) then we advise quarantining any new additions for 2 weeks. Richard Saunders (he/him) BSc (Hons) BVSc FRSB CBiol DZooMed (Mammalian) DipECZM (ZHM) FHEA FRCVS Rabbit Welfare Association and Fund Veterinary Advisor Are you ready for a Halloween Spooktacular? Head on over to the TEAS fundraiser on 27th October. Games, stalls, homemade cakes plus a chance to see the special guinea pigs. It has been brought to our attention that there has been a technical issue with our Contact Page. We have unfortunately not been receiving these emails. Please contact us directly at [email protected] With Summer now over ( I know, What Summer?) thoughts maybe turning to the next set of holidays. We have spaces for the October half term and also taking bookings for Christmas and New Year. Please note drop off / pick up times for Christmas & New Year are Last drop 23rd December, first pick up 27th December Last drop 30th December, first pick up 2nd January You can of course book right through Yes we are doing Home Visits over the Festive Season too. Also if you have any 2025 holiday dates please let us know as soon as you can if you require boarding or Home Visits. We are taking some personal time in March and September 2025, please DM me for the actual dates. Thank you to all our wonderful clients for entrusting us with your fur babies this Summer. Wow! Yesterday was International Cat Day. I feel very fortunate to look after so many gorgeous felines. A big wave from my 2 Disney & Bob. As we are coming into our busiest part of the year, please may we ask that payments for home visits and boarding be made at least 24 hours beforehand. This helps us to keep track of payments made and avoids us bothering you on holiday when our software sends a reminder. Thank you all and have a fun, safe Summer A huge Thank You, to all who donated for our 10th anniversary fundraiser for TEAS. We reached out target of £100 and these much needed funds will help with vet bills for these very special guinea pigs. The winner of the hamper was Guinea Pig Village, a family run piggy rescue . Again thank you for your support. Come and support the special piggies, while having a cuppa and some homemade cake. Dont forget to book your furry friends in for their holiday. We have very limited space now for piggy boarding and home visits outside Grange Park. Sadly we have no availability now for rabbits. Skittering Pig is 10 years old this week! To mark this occasion I am fundraising for TEAS. For every pound donated your name will go into a prize draw to win goodies for your piggy, rabbit or cat. Hamper will include food, treats and toys tailored to your companion. Summer is all most here! (well hopefully) Don't forget to book your furry ones in for their holidays. We have limited bunny boarding but availability for guinea pigs and home visit service. Attention all cat owners All pet cats in England must be micro chipped by 10 June 2024. The new rules means that cats must be micro chipped before they reach the age of 20 weeks. Indoor-only cats must be micro chipped as well. If you miss the June deadline, the new law states you'll have 21 days to have your cat micro chipped, or you may face a fine of up to £500. (Cats Protection) The Excellent Adventure Sanctuary - Northampton, UK - TEAS Have a Summer fayre in July After a busy Bank Holiday and finally the weather being sunny, thoughts maybe turning to future Bank Holidays or Summer Holidays. Don't forget your furry friends! We have boarding slots available and home visit slots. As you know I foster for The The Excellent Adventure Sanctuary (for guinea pigs with extra needs) here in Northampton. Just recently they have had problems with their old Facebook page and had to set up a new one. Please can I ask you to share, like, subscribe etc. Also if you are able to maybe donate a £1 each month for the vet bills, that would be very generous. Today I was interviewed by our local radio station, BBC Northampton. They were featuring local business and wanted to know more about Skittering Pig. Here is the link, its about 3 hours 43 in to the programme Annabel Amos show, on iplayer, BBC Sounds Again a huge Thank You to all who came and supported the TEAS Easter event. The final total was over £800! This all goes to the welfare, food and especially vet bills of these very special guinea pigs. TEAS are hoping to have a spook-tacular Halloween event so watch this space! As we are coming into holiday season please remember to book your companions in early, we have limited availability for July & August and dont want our clients to be disappointed. We are currently booking for May Bank Holiday and the school half term week so please pass the dates to us as soon as you can. Here is hoping for sunshine! The TEAS Easter event raised a wonderful £700! Thank you all for coming and supporting this great charity. Please come and support the TEAS Easter fayre, it on 6th April. Come and meet the Easter piggies, have a cuppa and some homemade cake. Easter We do have some vacancies for guinea pigs and home visit availability for the Easter holiday. Just a reminder that there are no drop offs or pick ups on Good Friday, Easter Sunday or Bank Holiday Monday. We are open on the Saturday, normal times of 10am till Midday We have boarding vacancies for guinea pigs and home visit availability. Easter is on the horizon! We still have vacancies for guinea pig boarding and home visits, Sorry we are now full to rabbits. Also we are closed to pick ups and drop offs on Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Bank holiday Monday. We are open on the Saturday our usual hours of 10am till Midday. Just a reminder that if you have your dates for your holidays, no matter how far in advance, please let us know. We can then avoid any disappointment in not being able to board with us or have us visit your furries. Come and meet the special piggies at the TEAS Spring fayre. As we are starting to book up for Easter a reminder of our boarding dates. All through board will be from Thursday 28th March until Tuesday 2nd April. We are closed Good Friday, Easter Sunday & Monday. We are taking bookings now for all 2024 holidays, from boarding to home visits. After all the Christmas excitement, thoughts maybe turning to holidays. We are now taking bookings for 2024 holidays! Wishing all our wonderful clients a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you to all who attended the TEAS Christmas Fayre on Sunday. Big thanks to all who donated teddies too our stall did quiet well. The total on the day was just over £500 but there are some monies still to come in. Thank you again and have a wonderful Christmas & New Year The TEAS Christmas Fayre is this Sunday! come and meet the piggies while having a cuppa and mince pie. TEAS Christmas fayre! Is only a week away, come for some fun, games, mince pie and Santa Well with only 37 days to Christmas! If you are heading away for the big day and festivities dont forget your small fur babies. We have board space for piggies (sorry full now to rabbits) and space for home visits for cat feeds. Thank you to all who supported the TEAS Spooktacular. They raise &700! much needed to help towards vet bills, food etc. Dont forget the TEAS Spooktacular is on today from 1.30pm till 5.30pm TEAS are hosting a Halloween Spooktacular fund raising event on Sunday 29th October at the Blacky Moor Community Center in East Hunsbury. Fun, games, cake & guinea pigs. Thinking of going away over October half term? We still have a few spaces left for guinea pig boarding and home visits for cat feeds. There seems to be an increase in the amount of Myxi & VHD cases being reported. Does not matter if they are indoor or outdoor. Please remember to get your bunnies vaccinated on time. Just wanted to say how proud I am of my young man. A few months ago I took him on as my business partner for Skittering Pig and he has been amazing! The feedback I have had from my clients is very heart warming and getting requests for his services which is amazing. He did brilliant while I was away with boarders and home visits. So very proud. We are back and in full swing taking bookings for October half term, Christmas and New Year. Sorry we are taking longer than usual to answer messages. We are on vacation and there is a bit of a time difference so please bear with us. From September 1st our weekend times are changing. Saturday and Sunday times will be 10am till Midday. A gentle reminder that we are closed to pick ups/drop off on Wednesday and Bank Holidays We would be grateful too if a drop off time and pick up time we agreed at time of boarding. Are you thinking about Christmas? Perhaps planning a few days away or having family visiting? Then get in touch we have spaces for boarding and home visits during the festive period which included New Year too. Also taking bookings for October half term Little plug here for my cousin daughter who has started her own photography business. Her work is stunning and she is very talented Head to Katie Grace Photography on Facebook and Instagram UPDATE To all my lovely clients coming this weekend, please be careful around our property and driveway. We are having some work done and there maybe bits in our front garden and extra vans around. The work will not disturb the animals as it is not being undertaken near board areas. The Excellent Adventure Sanctuary (TEAS) who I foster for are holding their Summer fayre on Sunday 30th July. Please Support this great cause if you can. Exciting News! I am very proud to say that my son Edward is now officially part of the Skittering Pig team. He is now my Business Partner. Edward has been helping out for the past 3 years with cat feeds and is very experienced with both cats and guinea pigs. Edward will be walking around Grange Park on his daily cat feeds as well as helping me further a field. Looking forward to working with him Sorry we have been quiet of late. We are busy preparing for our Summer guests but we have some very exciting news coming this way. Watch this space! Please help if you can as I know many of my clients are Cat & Rabbit vet clients. The Excellent Adventure Sanctuary (for guinea pigs with extra needs) tdrSpoones gt7m8g 0Jt1c4e8374:cn035a2553846622t fut2mf5c1918 · VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT FOR ANYONE WHO HAS HAD A GUINEA PIG TREATED FOR DENTAL ISSUES BY SIMON OR KIM MADDOCK AT THE CAT AND RABBIT CARE CLINIC WE NEED YOUR HELP! Some of you may already be aware of a Position Statement that was published in March 2023 by the British Veterinary Zoological Society, regarding the use of anaesthesia in rabbit, guinea pig and chinchilla dental procedures. I will add the link to this document, in the comments below. Unfortunately, it is looking increasingly likely that the use of conscious dentals will be prohibited, which means unthinkable consequences for our ‘extra special dental piggies’ here at TEAS, as well as to the very many more guinea pigs, who benefit from this life-saving dental work. We would like to put together as much evidence, to show the success of this procedure and this is where you can help! We are, therefore, collecting testimonials from owners, who have, or have had, guinea pigs with dental disease that have been treated by Simon and Kim! If you can help by submitting a testimonial, please do so! This method of treating dental issues works so well and the results speak for themselves! In the 12 years that TEAS has been running, we have been able to save the lives of so many and it would be a complete travesty if this had to stop! This does mean that for the foreseeable future, TEAS will be unable to offer places to any further guinea pigs with dental issues, which is heart-breaking, but for now we need to concentrate on fighting this! Please email testimonials to: [email protected] Summer Holidays! We are now in full swing with bookings for July & August and are getting limited availability within the months for all services. We are completely full regarding rabbit boarding, but have guinea boarding available. Home visits, we only have spaces left for local visits such as Grange Park, Wootton and the Hunsburys. Summer is coming! Holidays are here! Dont forget to book your furries in for boarding. We also offer home visits for cat feeds so they can stay in their own environment. Come and meet the piggies, have a cuppa and some cake while supporting this great cause. Teas Summer Fayre, 30th July Just a note to say that we will not be offering piggiy pampers during July & August, this is due to being very busy with boarding and home visits. Happy Birthday Barney! 10 today Happy Coronation day to our new King & Queen Heading on holiday? Don't forget to book your fur babies in with us! We have spaces for piggies and bunnies for the upcoming half term and over the Summer holidays. We also have availability for home visits for cat, piggy or bunny feeds. Thank you to all who came to the TEAS event, we made a whopping £750! Our next one is booked for 30th July This Saturday come along to the TEAS Easter Fundraising Event. Come and meet the gorgeous piggies, have a few games and indulge in some delicious homemade cakes and a cup of tea. I love all my home visit guest but this lady had a special place as she was one of my very first clients. Eventhough she was elderly she was sprightly, affectionate and sassy. Sleep tight sweet girl. As we are going into the Summer season a note regarding boarding of hamsters and gerbils. Due to limited space we can only board a small number of these companions, they must come in their own cage, please also note that cages and gerbilariums need to be a smallish size as we dont have the room for large cages. If your companion has a large home set up it may be better for us to home visit rather than board. These 3 are still available and looking for a home. Beautiful piggy trio, these little ones which consist of a neutered boar and 2 sows will be up for rehoming soon. They are available through The Excellent Adventure Sanctuary (for guinea pigs with extra needs) UPDATE From Friday 27th we will no longer have a landline phone. We have not been adding our number to contact details for the past few years now. Our mobile number 07935 243665 is our primary phone number. You are welcome of course to contact us via email, Facebook, website and What's App. Lovely Review I've used skittering pig several times now and wouldn't take my girls anywhere else. They come back happy and healthy and you can see they have been well looked after. 5 star holiday home for my girls TEAS are hosting an Easter fundraising event on Saturday 1st April. Come along and meet the gorgeous piggies, have a few games and indulge in some delicious homemade cakes and a cup of tea. All back to normal after the festivities. Dont forget we are taking bookings for any and all dates for this year for boarding and home visits. Wishing you all a very Happy New Year and see all the fur babies in 2023! Happy New Year! We are now taking bookings for boarding and home visits for 2023 holidays. We would like to wish our clients and their families a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Happy Holidays! We are now full for the festive season. I have a few remaining home visit spaces for local area (Grange Park / Wootton) only. However we are taking bookings for 2023 holidays, so if you have dates please get in touch. Well here at Skittering Pig we have snow! not much but enough to be chilly. Reminder if bunnies are outside, to provide lots of hay, shelter, a heat pad and check on bowls and bottles that they are not freezing and cover them as necessary. Piggys should have been brought inside for the winter but if they are outside do the same. Check on them regularly. Last few remaining spaces for Christmas and New Year! So if you are visiting friends/family or having them to you and feel your furry friends would like some quiet space please get in touch. I have a few spaces left for cat feeds too. The next TEAS event for guinea pigs with special needs is on Saturday December 10th 1.30 - 5pm at the Blacky Moore Community centre in Northampton. Its our Christmas Fayre and Santa will be there too! Dont forget your furry friends this Holiday Season. Thinking of booking with us for Christmas & New Year? Here are our boarding dates for the festive season. Christmas - Last drop off is 23rd December. First pick up is 27th December. New Year - Last drop off Midday on the 31st December. First pick up 3rd January Of course you are welcome to book straight through too. Yes we are doing home visits too over the season. Big Thank you! to all my clients that came and supported the TEAS event yesterday. Hope you had some spooky Halloween fun and won some lovely prizes. We are back! After a lovely break, (well not the hurricane bit!) We are in full mode now for October half term bookings and Christmas / New Year. After a busy Summer myself and Mr Skittering Pig are taking a well earned break. Master Skittering Pig is looking after his fur brothers with the help of the lovely Debbie from Little Badgers. You can still contact me but there may be a slight delay in replying so please bear with me. Thinking of booking with us for Christmas & New Year? Here are our boarding dates for the festive season. Christmas - Last drop off is 23rd December. First pick up is 27th December. New Year - Last drop off Midday on the 31st December. First pick up 3rd January Of course you are welcome to book straight through too. Yes we are doing home visits too over the season. We are now taking bookings for October half term and yes Christmas!! All rabbits whether boarding, home visits, indoor or outdoor need to be fully vaccinated. From September we will not accept any uneutered rabbit, male or female. We also encourage neutering of all home visit bunnies too. Have a safe and hopefully not too hot Summer. Well what a hot couple of days! Glad to say all boarding guests are fine and were kept cool and comfortable. Home visit guests are all fine too. Extra visits were done, cool bottles given out and fans taken to homes where needed. Hope not to have it that hot again for the rest of the summer. WEATHER WARNING Its going to be hot, hot for a few days. Please keep your fur babies cool by bringing them into the home, giving more shade, use of cool bottles or pads and extra water. Keep safe everyone, cool & hydrated. Don't forget to book your fur babies in. We now have very limited availability for July & August for all our services. Piggy pamper days. Please note due to us being very busy, we will not be taking on sessions in July & August. We are getting a lot of people enquire about dog boarding/walking. Please note we do not offer these services From 1st June we are changing our afternoon pick up and drop off times they will now be 1630 till 1800 The new spruced up pens are going down a treat with the bunnies. WE now have a new outdoor Garden Hotel, it is an Eglu from It has a lovely snug back box and a 3m attatched run This can be booked out at £9 per day and is suitable for rabbits and piggies.. We have been sprucing up our bunny boarding pens, Disney think they are very snazzy Book now for the Easter, half term and Summer holidays. We have boarding and home visit availability We still have spaces for guinea pigs and home visits for February half term. Some new foster boys Panda & Domino. Also we have vacancies for February half term and beyond. Dont forget to book your buns and piggies for boarding for February half term. Dont forget we also do home visits for cat feeds (most areas covered). We are now taking bookings for February half term, Summer breaks and yes Christmas 2022! Pamper days are back too Happy New Year to all our wonderful clients! Wishing all our clients a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! COVID 19 Update How we are keeping clients safe We are all fully vaccinated and boostered For our home visits, we are doing lateral flow tests every other day. All cloths used are our own. Sinks, counter tops are sanitised as are door handles. Doorstep drop offs and collection remain in place We are doing all we can to protect everyone and hope that everyone stays safe. We still have some places for guinea pigs for Christmas & New Year. Unfortunately we are now full to rabbits. Dont forget if your little ones are outside they will need extra protection from the cold weather. Give plenty of hay for bedding, heat pads, extra food and covers on water bottles. Foster boys Jacob & Jorge checking out the carrot house New foster boys, Jorge & Jacob It is with heavy heart and great sadness that I report that my beautiful girl Belle has crossed to Rainbow Bridge today. Lovely review 'I honestly can’t recommend you enough, you have and are amazing with Buddy! The house is always clean and you most definitely go the extra mile for him! Thank you for everything you do for Buddy and all the other animals you look after' Now taking bookings for October half term, Christmas and New Year More garden time and exploring the indoor pens Cute guests enjoying the garden To my lovely clients. Please if your holiday gets cancelled don't forget to cancel with us. Thanks xx REVIEW Julia looked after our rabbit, Beauty whilst we went away for 2 weeks. I'm so happy we chose skittering pig, Beauty was well and truly spoilt, cared for and loved. thank you so much Julia for taking care of her. defiantly no doubt in getting beauty booked in for later in the year again. Gorgeous Gizmo left us today for his furever home he is going to live with 2 girls. So far all has gone well and it sound like the 3 of them will become best friends. As we enter holiday season (hooray!) just some general house keeping for our guests. Please note ALL male rabbits MUST be neutered unless deemed too young by a vet. We very much encourage the neutering of females as well. All rabbits must be fully vaccinated, no mater if they are indoor or outdoor bunnies All home visit rabbits must be vaccinated too. All companions must be suitably transported to us in safe, plastic carriers or sturdy boxes. To keep our guests and their owners safe we are still operating a 'closed door' policy by which we are not allowing anyone inside our home. We are also performing lateral flow tests twice weekly to keep every one safe. Happy Holidays! GUINEA PIG PAMPERS Now is the time to book your piggys in for a pamper. During July & August we will not be undertaking any pamper days due to our commitments with our holiday boarders Finally now as the country opens up we have bookings! Please get in touch if you are heading for a staycation and need the furries looked after. Another foster piggy Gus has gone to his furever home, he and his new wifepig are settling in very nicely It's Guinea Pig Awareness Week Glad to hear that Quinn has settled into his furever home and is enjoying his 5 star life with his new wives Happy to report that my foster piggy Gomez is now settled in his furever home. Dipping your toes into that unknown realm called a holiday? Dont forget your small furry friends. Here at Skittering Pig based on Grange Park, we can board your guinea pig and rabbits or do home visits for cat feeds, piggies and bunnies. I have had some questions about our 2 cats so I will give you some low down on my boys. Disney & Bob are brothers (well obviously different dads but same mum). They were part of a litter of 7 which were found under a clients shed. I took 2 and the rest went to the RSPCA ( I found that they were all re homed including mum) Disney is the tabby, loves people and always wants fuss. Bob is the Black / White, he is my shadow loves fuss but not the outside world. They are 4 years old. We are Open for piggy nail clipping, pamper days and 2021 bookings. Our wintry scene from yesterday, but as we board indoors all current foster guests and resident piggies are all toastie warm. Just to say that even in another lock down and times of uncertainty, here at Skittering Pig we are here for your piggies and bunnies welfare. We are still allowed to do piggy pamper days and nail clipping. Also we are taking bookings for tentative holidays for this this year in the hope that our clients may be able to travel again. Stay safe all. Happy New Year! Just a wish for all our clients to Stay Safe and well during these difficult times. My family and I all had COVID in late November and I can say its the worst illness I have ever had, we all experienced headaches, coughs, joint pain, nausea and unbelievable fatigue. We were very lucky we all got through it and nobody needed hospital treatment. Please all Stay safe and protect the NHS With that we do hope that 2021 will be a better year for everyone and thank you for your continued support. Here at Skittering Pig we wish all our clients a very Happy New Year. Hope 2021 will be a better year. We are open and taking bookings for 2021. Have a very Happy New Year to all! Wishing all our guests and their families a very Merry Christmas and a much better 2021 With this year being very different and difficult for everyone we have decided not to hold a competition this Christmas. We feel that people need to take care of their loved ones, (be it human or animal) and enjoy health and happiness with those that mean a lot to us. However if you are able please would people mind putting a little something in the local Food Bank bins (Usually located by supermarket entrance). Thank You. However I have decided to put up a guest picture each day for some daily cuteness and cheer. So head over to our Facebook page for some cuteness. I know we have been a bit quiet recently, but just to say we are open and taking bookings if anyone is brave enough! We have a few spaces for Christmas and New Year and are taking bookings for 2021. While we are quiet we are currently fostering for TEAS. Here are the trio of boars I have in at the moment. Quinn, Yoda & Gus. While in lock down your thoughts may turn to Christmas. 'What can I treat my guinea pig too?' or 'What can I get my friend who has guinea pigs?' Well here at Skittering Pig we have the answer. Get them one of our Piggy Pamper day gift vouchers! Available in any amount (our pampers start at £6). Treat your furry friend to a nail trim, bath, hair trim ( long hair) and spa lunch are all included. COVID UPDATE WE ARE OPEN! After looking into guidelines it seems as we offer a service we can still trade. So we are open for boarding, home visits and even better; piggie pamper days! Please refer to our COVID policy for safety advise when using our services. We are taking bookings for Christmas and New Year, if anyone would like to tentatively book! We do both boarding and home visits over the holiday season. We have spaces currently available for piggies & bunnies to stay at our 'hotel' this includes the school half term holiday. I also have availability for any home visits for cat, rabbit, piggies feeds or any combination there of. I also have some Christmas spaces if anyone wants to tentatively book! Little Indie has become a star, so many clients asking how he is getting on. As you can see from his latest picture he is doing just fine, he is almost fully recovered but having lots of tlc from his mum. Little Indie who came for some tlc is now on the road to recovery and doing well Have a friend who owns guinea pigs? Never know what to buy them for birthdays, Christmas etc? Well here at Skittering Pig we have the answer! Treat them to one of our new vouchers for a guinea pig pamper day! Prices start at £12 for a pair of short hair piggies, £18 for a short hair & long hair, £24 for a pair of long hair. Piggies receive a nail trim, general hair tidy (long hair), grease glands, bath & hair dry. They also relax in our accommodation with a veggie lunch provided. Barney checking out our new hay box. Don't forget our new outdoor enclosure is up and can be booked for your bunnies stay. 'Rebunzel Towers' is up and ready, in fact we have had our first guests. Charlie & Izzy spent the day checking it out and as you can see by the pictures they loved it and were totally chilled. Our new outdoor enclosure has now arrived! It will up and ready in the next few days so if you would like to book this for your bunnies you can now do so. It will be £12 per day . Exciting news! we are having an outside rabbit enclosure. This is in response to some clients asking if their rabbits could have either more time outside or board outside. The enclosure will be £12 per day and be a seasonal option from February to November. The new pen should be up and in operation in the next few weeks. We have ordered this from As you can see our newest member Kylo has settled right in! Yay! hopefully holidays may start even a few nights away. So if you are thinking of heading out for a short or long break we are here to look after your small furries. You can either book to board with us or we can come to your home. Skittering Pig has a new family member, meet Kylo. He is new huspig to our Belle. Thank you to Little Badger's Pet Care for doing the bond for us. Personal sad news regarding one of our own piggies Chip. Chip had been poorly for a while so we made the difficult decision to send him to Rainbow Bridge. Sleep tight little man x COVID 19 In line with government restrictions, here at Skittering pig are our policy on keeping our guests and their owners safe. For Boarding & Pamper days • On arrival, please ring the door bell and put pet on to mat. Please ensure that your pet is in a proper pet carrier that can be cleaned to prevent cross contamination. • We will immediately see to your pet and bring them inside. We are sorry but we are not allowing clients into the premises. • If boarding; your pet will be settled in straight away. • If a pamper day a collection time must arranged beforehand. • Please note that we are not taking cash payments. Our bank transfer details are on the invoice you will be sent, or you can pay via PayPal (SkitteringPig). Home Visits • To prevent any contamination gloves and masks will be worn while dealing with all animals. We will clean as we, go again to prevent contamination. • Footwear will be cleaned between homes and left outside the property where possible. All cleaning products are animal safe. • We will bring and use our own cloths, towels etc to prevent contamination with your own. If you wish to tentatively book with us for later in the year then please get in touch. We are now open for pamper days but please see our COVID 19 restrictions. Happy Easter! Wishing all my wonderful clients a very happy Easter. CORONAVIRUS Just a little note to say that while we are in lockdown and social distancing, we are unable to offer pamper days or nail clipping. We are hoping that very soon we will be able to re offer these services. Please may I ask that if you are booked with me for April / May even June and now dont require boarding or home visits, please let me know. I am assuming that this is the case during these difficult times but its nice to check base with you all. If I dont hear 24 hours prior to board or visit full payment will be required as per our T & Cs. Stay home, stay safe. Just saying stay safe everyone and stay home. The piggies, cats and I are all spending quality time together. To say though that if any Keyworkers need their rabbits or guinea pigs taken care of while they are working to serve our nation to get in touch, we can do free for short term (5 days) or half price if longer. Here at Skittering Pig we are still operating as there has been no link from the virus passing between rabbits, guinea pigs and cats. We already have a strict infection control policy due to the virility of RHVD2. This goes for home visits too. However if you are poorly before or after your holiday and your companion is in our care we will gladly look after them until you can pick them up. The Excellent Adventure Sanctuary (TEAS) for guinea pigs with extra needs are holding an Easter fayre on March 28th, 1-5pm at the Blacky Moore Community Centre, Northampton NN4 0WP. Come and meet the piggies and learn about the valuable work they do helping piggies who have been put in their care because of medical issues such as dental problems, blindness or deafness. Once sorted with teeth theses special piggies often can be re homed. Here at Skittering Pig we help to foster some while awaiting their furever homes. Here is hoping that all piggies, buns and other small furries plus their humans are staying safe in all this horrid weather. Easter and Summer holiday bookings now being taken, both for boarding and home visits. So as soon as you have some dates lets us know. Just a little note regarding boarding of bunnies. All males and ideally females from 12 / 16 weeks must be neutered also all rabbits must be vaccinated against RHD/Myxo and RHD2 prior to board with at least 7 days clear from last vaccination. Proof of vaccinations will be required. A big thank you to all who participated in our Christmas Raffle, we raised £70 for TEAS and hope it helps all the poorly piggies. To our winner Rachel West we hope you and your family enjoy the 2 paintings. We would like to wish all our clients a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Here at Skittering Pig we will be dealing with all enquirers , board requests etc tomorrow. Today is a personal day as I say farewell to my mum. A huge Thank you to all my clients who have sent cards, flowers and donations we have been overwhelmed by your generosity and condolences. Christmas Raffle 2019! Skittering Pig Christmas Raffle Head over to the Skittering Pig Facebook page to Donate :) Christmas Raffle! This year again we will be supporting TEAS, Weʼre raising £200 to (TEAS) enables guinea pigs who have ongoing medical issues to live normal, happy life, whilst they receive the veterinary care they need. I am having commissioned 2 paintings, Thumper & Bambi. Raffle tickets are £1 each. To enter please donate via the Just Giving page. Each £ donated will generate a ticket which will be picked Christmas Day by an independent person. Review! I want to recommend the Skittering Pig family, they treat your pets like members of their own family. The updates alone give you peace of mind, I have a special needs bun and another bun who is scared of most humans and know that when Julia and her family look after them either by a home visit or staying at hers, they are happy and comfortable. Thank you for your recent visit, the buns were very well cared for. Thank you to Rufus's mum for this wonderful review. It is a pleasure to look after every ones fur babies and help them where necessary and to love them. Cannot recommend Julia enough! She is a genuine animal lover and goes above and beyond to ensure the welfare of the pets in her care. She has a wonderful set up at her home for boarding and prices are extremely reasonable for the level of service you receive. We had booked in with Julia whilst we were going on holiday and before we left our 6.5 year old guinea pig was experiencing dental problems and required daily manual feeds in between his dental visits. We were worried about leaving him given his age and additional requirements but Julia could not have been more understanding and put us totally at ease. We suggested flying home to early so that we could take him to his next dental appointment but Julia kindly took him for his teeth file on our behalf. She gave us daily updates and we knew he was in a safe pair of hands. Not only this but she was able to wean him off his manual feeds after the first day and coax him back into eating for himself which then in turn helped his teeth. He has gone from strength to strength since returning home and I genuinely think his recovery would have taken a lot longer had it not been for Julia’s care. We cannot thank Julia or recommend her enough... our piggie Rufus will definitely be holidaying with her again the next time we are away xxx We looked after older cat Mya Highly recommended! Just used Julia for feeding our cat for a few days and couldn’t ask for anyone better! She was professional, very clean and thorough and nothing too much hassle. Wish we had found her years ago! We are available for home visits throughout the Christmas and New Year period. We have had clients asking if we are open Christmas and New Year. Yes we are! Although Christmas drop off will be from 23rd December until 27th December then 30th December until 2nd January for New Year. I left my pet rabbit Hedders with Julia for just under a week and was a little nervous as was the first time I had left him with anyone. Julia was brilliant, sent pic updates of how he was getting on and Hedders very much enjoyed his stay!! Phew! what a busy August! We hope everyone had a lovely Summer break. We now have spaces for guinea pigs but still busy for a couple more weeks with rabbits. If you have any dates for next years holidays please contact us. We are now well and truly into our busy period and looking after lots of lovely guests. We hope that their mums & dads are having a lovely relaxing time. UPDATES A little note to say we are now full with boarding and home visits until September. Have a great Summer x Rabbit owners Please make sure any rabbits boarding are fully vaccinated, RHVD1 & 2 plus Myxi, remember there is a 2 week gap before having the RHVD2 and there must be a clear 10 day period between vaccinating and boarding. Thank you to Casper mum for this lovely review. Our rabbit Casper has just spent 24 days with Julia from June into July. Julia sent regular updates on how Casper was and what he had been doing which meant I didn't worry about him at all. Thank you Julia - would definitely recommend :-) We have been doing some remodeling and general tidying of our 'Piggy Towers Hotel". We now have large specially stacked cages instead of the wood hutches. The piggies have the same space but the plastic is easier to keep clean than wood. I will take some better pictures but I thought I would share what we are doing. Happy client! Love this place. Julia is very caring and knowledgeable. No worries leaving the guinea pigs in her care. 10 out of 10 from me. Rainbow Bridge News As some of you know I have been fostering piggies from TEAS. these piggies have conditions which require extra care, mainly dental treatment that has to be dealt with before they can be re homed. However; some piggies dont always make it. I had Butterscotch a week before bless him he passed away. REMINDER If you have rabbits and have not had them vaccinated yet against RHVD2 now is the time to do it. With warmer weather and a nice chance to spend more time outdoors bunnies need to be protected. Many boarding establishments, myself included will not take bunnies unless they have had this vaccine in addition to the RHVD1 & Myxi. If you you are thinking of having a new furry friend, rabbit or guinea pig, we urge you to adopt. There are loads of furry friends needing new homes. I have been fostering for The Excellent Adventure Sanctuary (for guinea pigs with extra needs) The picture is of my foster girls Ribbon & Bubbles (they have now gone to their forever home). RABBITS A little gentle reminder to owners boarding their bunnies. All bunnies need to be vaccinated against RHVD1, Myxi & RHVD2, we will NOT accept non vaccinated bunnies. All male rabbits over 16 weeks need to be neutered we don't take entire males and ideally all females need to be neutered too. To all my wonderful rabbit parents. I am urging anyone who has a female bunny to get her spayed. I have seen over the last few weeks female buns who are stressed due to the fact its Spring and they think they should be raising a family. They have been over grooming their partners, themselves, making nests not to mention changes in temperament and spraying which can land in other pens and up the walls! Its not fair on them, creates issues between partners as well as distress. Easter Time Yes its coming that time of year! The cute little Easter bunnies everywhere, but Please I say this every year. STOP & THINK before buying a real one. If you can not offer a rabbit an accommodation of at least 8ft with run area (the bigger the better), food, vet bills (both sexes need neutering and vaccination plus illness) and your time everyday in all weathers or time interacting if house rabbit for a minimum period of 10 YEARS!!! DO NOT BUY!! A rabbit is a living, breathing being that has emotions, is very intelligent and can feel pain they are NOT TOYS to be left when the novelty wears off! Think before you buy, the same applies to guinea pigs too! Rainbow Bridge This week we had some sad Rainbow Bridge news for two piggies Biscuit & Rocky. Our thoughts got to their piggy parents and family. After the passing a couple of weeks ago of Louis, we are sad to say that old man Squeak has gone to play with him. Our thoughts as always are with their families. Yay! some sunshine! the piggies and buns have been enjoying the spring sunshine, its lovely to see them out hopping around and the piggies 'popcorning'. We are taking bookings for half term, Easter ,August and even Christmas! as a small boarder I have limited space so book as soon as you have your dates. We also offer home visits too, again try to book as early as possible. We have been having a few issues with the direct forms from here, please if you have tried to contact us recently through this method, could you get in touch by directly contacting us ie email/phone/text. We still have places for February and Easter holidays Happy New Year!! Its never too early to think about booking those Summer holidays, dont forget your small furries! get in touch to book your fur babies in or we can come to you! Christmas Hamper Raffle Has been won by Leona Marshall, mum to Batman, Pepper, Ronnie & Gus. Congratulations! and I am sure your piggies are going to love the treats. We also at present have raise in the region of £150 for The Excellent Adventure Sanctuary (for guinea pigs with extra needs) big Thank you to all who took part. Slight price increase As from the 1st January there is going to be a slight price increase to reflect the various accommodations we offer. Please note if you have already booked there is no increase. Rabbits - £9 per pair / £7 single Guinea pig - £7 per pair / £5 Single Christmas Raffle We have set up a Just Giving page. please donate to help piggies with special needs, vet bills, food etc also you will be entered into our Christmas raffle. Its now 6 weeks to the most Magical time of the year! I thought I would let you all know what we have planned between now and the special day. Our advent competition will be a bit different this year. I have throughout the year been supporting the charity, I am going to raffle a hamper for pigs or buns, to enter I am going to add a donate button, you can donate direct of their Facebook page, PayPal or bank transfer and all monies will go to TEAS. You can of course call by and get a physical raffle ticket. All tickets and names will go into a box and be picked on Christmas eve. I am asking for at least 50p per ticket but please donate what you can to help special needs piggies. Halloween & Bonfire night boarding, due to these being stressful evenings, there will be no drop offs or pick ups. Christmas & New Year boarding Places going fast I have 1 rabbit pen vacancy and only a few piggy places left! REMINDER! IMPORTANT NEWS! Due to a possible RHVD2 related death in the area, I am making it a requirement that ALL boarding rabbits must be vaccinated against this terrible disease. I will give until 19th October for this to be carried out. There will be no exceptions this disease is highly contagious and deadly. I therefore can not and will not put any ones rabbit in jeopardy. I very much hope that you will all help to work towards getting rid of this disease and keep our rabbits safe. I also require all male rabbits over 16 weeks to have been neutered. We are normally wishing a speedy recovery to piggies and buns, but today we are wishing a speedy recovery to a piggy mummy, she is a lovely lady and we wish her well. Thank you for another lovely review! Julia looked after our piggies by visiting them at our home whilst we were on holiday. We were away for a week and during that time our piggies experienced both hot weather and a storm. Julia went above and beyond to make sure they were comfortable. Thank you Skittering Pig! Well all boarders did just fine over the hot spell, the use of fans, water bottles and open windows made every one cool and relaxed. SUMMER IS HERE! While it may be lovely for us for our furry friends it's not so great! As we head to another hot weekend please keep buns & pigs cool by being inside or providing them with lots of shade and cold water bottles. Make sure air can circulate or provide them with a fan. Very sad Rainbow Bridge news, we were told that last night gorgeous little Poppy that stayed with us for 8 weeks earlier in the year has passed over. We are deeply saddened as she was a young bunny and had not been poorly. Our thoughts go to her lovely family x Another happy client! Julia looked after our daughter's two hamsters for almost two weeks whilst we were away. She kindly emailed us when we were away to let us know how they were (which my daughter especially appreciated). Our two hamsters returned home refreshed from their own little holiday! Thank you Julia. We definitely recommend the Skittering Pig! Good news! We now have Grain Free nuggets for both rabbits and piggys. If you would prefer your fur babies to be given this just let us know. We are getting very busy over the Summer and currently have no spaces for rabbits from July through to September! We do currently have piggy spaces. After some false allegations were made about us, A huge 'Thank you' to all my lovely clients who have supported me over the last couple of days, I am truly humbled and feel very privileged to care for your 'furbabies' Sad Rainbow Bridge news Elderly piggy Bubbles was found in his furever sleep, sleep tight little man. Revised Summer opening times Pick up/Drop offs Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 0700 -1100 then 1500 - 1800 Wednesday, CLOSED to drop off/pick up Saturday - Sunday 0900 - 1100 Here at Skittering Pig we have been updating our Terms & Conditions to co inside with new data protection laws and also the boarding of rabbits. 'Skittering Pig is registered with the Information Commissioners Office for data protection. By entering into the boarding agreement you are consenting that your personal contact data can be held by Skittering Pig. We never share data except in an emergency with a recognised veterinarian. If you no longer require our services all data with be deleted from our records. You have the right to refuse us your personal details, but please note we ask for this information to enable us to contact you in an emergency regarding your pets’ health and well being.' RABBITS Skittering Pig requires that all rabbits need to be vaccinated for Myxomatosis and RHVD1. Ideally we ask that your rabbit be vaccinated against RHVD2. We also ask that you bring with you a current vaccination certificate. We reserve the right to refuse non vaccinated rabbits and also where evidence of vaccinations cannot be produced. Skittering Pig require that ALL rabbits from 16 weeks are neutered (except where you are taking advantage of our neutering service), however we will accept rabbits where a veterinary surgeon has assessed that the rabbit is not mature enough to be neutered. Sad Rainbow Bridge news piggies William and Mr Selfridge have passed over, Please make sure piggies are kept cool with air circulating their hutches and pens. Summer Holiday! Just a reminder that we are filling up fast for summer boarding and visits. Let us know your dates so we can book you in. Holiday News! We will be closed from October 6th till 14th 2018. If you need your furbabies looking after during this time I recommend Karen from all will be back to normal from October 15th. Easter!!! I know we say it every year but please dont buy a live rabbit at Easter. They may look cute and cuddly but in truth they are a 10 year commitment, they have feelings, needs just like a person. Please always make sure any pet you have is the right one for your family and lifestyle. We encourage adoption over buying in a shop. To my lovely clients, we are now Closed on Wednesdays. We have had reduced hours but coming the Summer I need time to fully interact with my guest and also to deep clean the board areas. If you are due to drop or pick up you will have received or will be receiving an email asking to come on the Thursday. Sorry if this causes inconvenience and if you have a real problem changing to the Thursday please let me know Beautiful bunny William and cute piggy Coconut have joined our Rainbow Bridge list. Our thoughts are with their families. Firstly some Rainbow Bridge news, a lovely clients piggy Holly (the white & ginger) passed while I was looking after her. She was an elderly pig but was a real shock I was totally heartbroken, worst part was having to tell her mummy. Now she can popcorn with her buddy Jaffa xx The Skittering Pig adoptees are doing really well, Belle & Chip have settled in and had their pamper. They have a lovely big pen to call home and an enormous playpen filled with wonderful toys. To all our lovely clients please take care out on the roads. Make sure bunnies and piggies are kept warm and dry too Cheeky piggies Belle & Chip settling in for supper. Don't forget to book early for Easter & Summer holidays places filling up fast. Also applies to Christmas & New Year! 2018 Prices! Good news there will be no price increase this year. To clarify all boarding will be charged full rate while your animal is with us, as your animal is still being fed and cared for. Holidays of more than 14 nights will still receive our discount and home visits are still charged at 45p per mile Very sad day yesterday as little Max crossed to 'Rainbow Bridge'. Max was suffering with pneumonia and despite best efforts from his wonderful mummy, vet and me; he passed over while laying on my lap. Sleep tight Max Happy New Year! Thinking about Summer holidays remember to book your furries in early. Some Fun Facts! Over the last year I have been compiling a chart of guests names. Well the results are in! The most popular name for guinea pigs is Fudge! with Bubble & Squeak coming 2nd & 3rd. For Rabbits it is Daisy & Alfie so here is a small selection of guests with these lovely names. Most unusual name, we have had movie stars, TV characters, super heroes and food related and they are all gorgeous. I have chosen Mr Bunnykins and piggy Mr Selfridge Lovely review Just dropped my piggies off for a couple of weeks here whilst I recover from surgery and Julia is so amazingly kind and accommodating. She's giving updates on them and even clipped their nails - she has a lovely home and clearly adores animals. You won't find a better boarder anywhere in Northants! Lovely lady, with a top class service !! piggies loved there pamper session today definitely recommend Its coming that time of year again! Yes the annual Advent competition watch this space to win 7 nights free boarding. Other prizes throughout the weeks too! MONARCH AIRLINES To any clients caught up in the Monarch airlines collapse. I do not expect you to pay board fees for short notice cancellations and any deposits will be returned. Notice to all my lovely clients, We are going to be closed from 2nd December until the 8th December. This is so we can finish the last stage of our improvements to the board rooms, the painting bit! As always the health and safety of the animals is first and foremost so we dont want precious babies inhaling any paint fumes. We are open all over Christmas and New Year. Lovely review from a home visit client: 'Julia came to our house daily to feed the cats and Guinea pig. She went well above the call of duty and cleaned them out too. All animals look very happy so obviously haven't missed us, so Julia has done a great job. Plus we had a couple of updates whilst we were away which was also lovely. Highly recommend and extremely great value for money.' Sorry about lack of updates, been super busy with boarders and home visits now its the holiday season. I have had to revise our opening times due to a family commitment. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday is 0730 till 12 then 3pm till 6pm. Wednesday is now 1pm till 4pm. Saturday and Sunday 10am till Midday RHVD2 More on rabbit RHVD2 Please note due to the increase in RHVD2 all drop offs and pick ups will be conducted away from boarding areas, this is part of increased infection control. We are sorry about this and we know you like to settle your babies in. However we can not run the risk of this horrible disease being brought into animal areas. It is therefore a must that times for drop off and pick up are agreed. We also will be stepping up increase in infection control to our home visit clients as well. If you can and have time before boarding with us we do urge to have this extra vaccine done. Urging all bunny owners please get them done against this terrible disease. Rabbit Viral Hemorrhagic Disease 2, There have been a couple of confirmed cases of this now within the pet rabbit population here in Northampton. I am urging all my bunny clients; whether your buns are outside or indoor (you can bring the virus inside on shoes or clothing) to get this vaccination done. At present I only inst that rabbits are vaccinated against RVHD 1 and Myxi, however I am taking advice from my vet and if there are more cases I may have to add the RVHD 2 to the list. Please the only way to stop this horrible disease is to vaccinate Sorry we have been a bit quite lately. We have had some time after the passing of our Birdie. You can always keep right up to date by heading to our Facebook page. The new software seems to be going down well, thank you for all your feedback on this. Rainbow Bridge news, Our very own piggy Birdie has passed over, he had been poorly with an infection he had been on antibiotics but it was all too much for him. We are currently having a trial of some new software for booking in boarders, invoices and receipts. It is work in progress so please excuse any technical issues. We would love to here from a client point of view your thoughts on this system IMPORTANT DATES! There will be no drop offs or pick ups on the following dates. August 28th (Bank holiday), October 31st (Halloween) & November 5th.(Firework night). Halloween & Firework night is for the welfare of our guests who can be very stressed during these times. Also if you are booking for Christmas our last drop off is December 23rd, first pick up is December 27th. If you wish bookings and home visits for August and Christmas please get in touch as soon as you know your dates. A very Happy Easter! We had a lovely piggy called Cookie come to us to try to band her with our piggy Birdie, after a couple of weeks it has become apparent that Cookie and Birdie were not getting on, however another piggy came for some tlc and I managed to bond Cookie with her. All has gone well and the girls will be going home together. Both sets of our new accommodation is now fully open. We have 5ft x 3ft x 2ft runs with a hide box, hay bed, litter box tunnels and toys! for our bunny guests. For piggy guests we have large double hutches with a false floor giving them lots of space again with hide houses, hay trays and toys. Hooray! our new accommodation is finally in place! We now have a dedicated guinea pig room and rabbit room. Piggies have one half of a double hutch plus play pen and bunnies now have large pens instead of hutches so they are free to play all day. The pens have a private box area, hay tray and toys. Welcome this week to William, Toffee and Opal; who are all bunnies. The Skittering Pig kittens are now 6 months old. Had some lovely guests this week cute piggies, Thorin, Pixel & Navi plus bunnies Benny & Bella. More Rainbow Bridge news, this time a sweet little piggy called Creamy, our thoughts are with his family. Just had some sad 'Rainbow Bridge' news, Bailey the blind bunny has passed over, he will be deeply missed and our thoughts go to his mum & dad. After a mad week a chance for a huge clean up! And a change around. We are pleased to offer our new guinea pig room! This room is quite and away from bunnies, the accommodation is large and spacious so they have plenty of room to stretch their paws. We hope in the coming months to do the same with the bunny room! Don't forget we fill up fast so please book early for Easter, Summer and Christmas. Lots of guests in this week, here are just a couple of pics matching bunny, Mimi and Maisie the piggy. Sad 'Rainbow Bridge' news, Lily who was friends with Fizz who passed a few weeks ago has now gone to join her friend. Hugs and thoughts to her family Look how we have grown! The Skittering Pig kittens are now 15 weeks old :) More 'Rainbow Bridge news! A beautiful bunny named Barney, she was 10 years old and leaves behind her friend Lola. On the good news side our remodelling is coming on great we are expanding slightly to give our guests more room to stretch their paws. Welcome to 2017! Some sad 'Rainbow Bridge' news first off, regarding a young piggy called George. I looked after him in the summer with some home visits, such a cutie to look after. Hugs go to his buddy Biscuit and his young owners. Also our thoughts go to Fudge's young owners too this week, we know Pippin will get extra cuddles. A huge thank you for charging us with your precious furbabies in 2016. We look forward to more cuddles in the coming year. Big Thank You for all who joined in our Advent competition, we hope all winners were happy with their prizes. Daisy & Bo Miller won our Grand Draw. Also huge Thanks for all our cards and gifts we have some wonderful generous clients and friends. ADVENT COMPETITION Winners Oreo & Biscuit enjoying their carrot house. Day 12 was Action shots! managed just to get one of these speedy guys. To join the competition head over to the Facebook page and SHARE & LIKE for a chance to win goodies and be entered into the Grand Draw. Day 10 is Saturday cuteness. Day 8 is bath time fun! Great prizes to be won. Bags of nuggets, carrot home and pamper days. Head to our Facebook page to LIKE & SHARE. Day 5 features some of our home visits clients like this beautiful chap. Head to our Facebook page to enter. Day 3 is up, chance to win some Festive Treats! Just LIKE & SHARE our Facebook page to enter. First advent pictures and a chance to win a full pamper day is up on the Facebook page, head on over using our links to enter. Only 2 days to go before the start of our Advent Competition! Remember all you have to do to be entered into our Grand Draw on Christmas Eve is to LIKE at least one of the pictures that will be displayed each day. On Mondays, Wednesday & Fridays we are giving away a daily prize, again all you have to do it LIKE the pictures, winners will be picked at close of business on those days. CHRISTMAS! We are full Christmas and New Year to rabbits, however there are some spaces for piggies. Instead of the usual picture advent we are going to run a daily competition (Mon-Fri). Details to follow. Review from a lovely client My two rabbits stayed for the first time this week and I highly recommend Skittering Pig. They were very spoiled and cared for, despite them having no manners and trashing their hutch! �� will be using them again if I can. Thanks Rainbow Bridge news, sorry to hear that little Fudge has passed over, he will be very much missed by his owners and friend Black Jack. Just a gentle reminder that there will be no drop off or pick ups on 31st October and 5th November this is for the well-being of all animals Kitten update, the boys are now 7 weeks and into everything! The baby piggies have now gone home but had a very happy and thankful owner. Here they are a few days after arriving home. After a devastating week losing our 16 year old cat, we now have kittens! Bob-cat and Disney. Also the piggy babies are now 8 days old and super cute. Weekly cuteness, one of our guests gave birth to these super cuties. Temporary names are Treacle, Nutmeg & Cinnamon. We have had the very fluffy Janice & Neville to stay, pamper days for Dallas & Storm and a few days break for elderly gent Joey. After a well deserved vacation we are now back in full swing and ready for guests. We still have some vacancies for October half term and few places left for Christmas. Just a little note to all boarding with us the end of October, there will be no drop off or pick ups on Monday 31st as it is Halloween ,as we find the animals can get very stressed over the course of the evening. Please be understanding that we are doing this for the welfare and safety of your 'fur babies' Ever get the feeling you are being watched very intently? Fudge & Bubbles on breakfast patrol! Rainbow Bridge news! The lovely Honey has passed to Rainbow Bridge, our thoughts are with her owners Here at Skittering Pig we are honoured to have our first celebrity bunny, Pippa she is one of the faces of Vets For Pets. However she is taking it all in her hop and is eating well and has settled in here for her holidays. Pictures to follow. We have had lots of guests over the last few weeks, check out our Facebook page for lots of pictures and videos. Darcy update, she is back home and doing really well, it was a dental issue that was making her not eat which has now been sorted. Thank you again Astonlee veterinary hospital in Newport Pagnell. Lovely review from Darcy mum: Julia is absolutely amazing and we cannot thank her enough for taking care of our bun and pig so well. Recently our house bunny became very poorly during a time when we had builders working on our house and so we could not keep her safe and stress free at home. Our vets drew a blank and said they couldn't help. Julia very kindly arranged for Darcy to see her own vet and to have an operation to have her teeth sorted. She then bought her home and nursed her over a number of days keeping us informed all the while. We cannot thank her enough. We now have our little one home and on the mend. I think it's very unlikely we would have had a positive outcome without Julia's help. We cannot recommend Julia highly enough Wishing the beautiful Darcy a speedy recovery Rainbow Bridge news :( sad to say these little fur babies have gone to new pastures. Hector & Teddy, Squeak & Patches Lots of guests coming and going, here is a super cute picture of Barney. No not Ewoks from Star Wars, but lion head bunnies Cotton Tail & Lily Big clean today as guest go home and new ones arrive, more home visits too, always a delight to busy. Thank you to clients for their patience this week too as I could not take messages on Thursday, much appreciated. Home visits this week; 6 piggys who love their greens, Pip who loves broccoli and the beautiful Bella. Managed at last to get some of the bunnies too! This is Lily she was pushing the bowl towards me in the morning much to say " Breakfast please" For all bunny owners 'The RWAF are pleased to announce that after long discussions with Filavie, a vaccine manufacturer in France, and NVS, a Veterinary Wholesalers in the UK, we will very shortly have, for sale in the UK, a vaccine against RHD2. This also covers RHD1. The full order should be in stock from Mid June, with relatively small amounts available before then. Please ask your vet to contact NVS to discuss exact anticipated stock arrival dates and to assist them with some idea of expected demand.' You still need to vaccinate your rabbits with Nobivac as previously, please discuss this with your vet New boys Spot and Freddy after their brush up, they have been having a great time in the garden run. Lovely review: I absolutely cannot recommend Julia and her family enough. Skittering Pigs is an amazing set up and meets all your small pets needs and more. Julia and her family have been so incredibly kind and helpful to us of late with our three little pigs , she has gone above and beyond the call of duty and thank you just doesn't seem enough. She loves her guests probably as much as the owners do and fusses over them probably more. The boys, Max, Jasper and Mr Selfridge are looking forward to their next visit at the end of the month. We now accept card payments! there is a 50p transaction fee for all card payments. Other payment methods of course are cash, cheque and BACS. Bundles of cuteness in these 12 week old piggies. How many can you squeeze into a hay pan? Also our first tame wild rabbit, he was found hurt at a few weeks so was taken home and cared for. Also had some sun! so bunnies were put to play. Lots of guest this week, here are the super cute 12 week old piggies. Jasper, Mr Selfridge and Max. We also have Louis the piggie and Darcey the Rabbit. The cute Moon & Star Two great reviews, this one from Sky & Ringo owner, 2 budgies we had last week. Highly Recommend this service! Absolutely brilliant care and I would not hesitate leaving my budgies with Julia again xx This one from Tom & Jerry owners, 2 cuddly bunnies, Highly recommend from me and The Buns! Xx Our new guest Honey she is very sweet and is also 7 years old x The beautiful Candy is back with us for Easter as is Black Jack & Fudge. More 'Rainbow Bridge' news piggies Patchy & Wizz our thoughts are with their owners. Learnt of a passing to 'Rainbow Bridge' Pepper the little grey rabbit sadly did not recover from his virus, our thoughts to his lovely owners and big hugs to his bunny buddy Chilli. Brr! might be cold and snowing here today, but our gang are toastie warm indoors. Charlie & Snowy joined us for a pamper day a lovely picture of Rufus after his pamper day. Lovely comments from Barley & Buttons owner: My girls are very chilled out tonight after their week with Julia. They still haven't forgiven me for sending them to the vets but they already seem a lot happier and chilled out in them selves! Thank you very much Julia for taking amazing care of my girls! Would not trust them with anyone else Buttons & Barley recovering well after their spay operation yesterday. February half term week, had some lovely bunnies and gorgeous piggies visit over the weekend. Tom & Jerry, Ludo & Hoggle. RVHD2 To all my bunny clients an emphasis about the importance of vaccination. Please vaccinate against Myxomatosis and RVHD1, currently however there is a second strain RVHD2 which at present vets are having issues obtaining the vaccine. Please continue to ask your vet about supplies as there have been confirmed cases in the UK of rabbits succumbing to this second strain. More information can be found on Bookings now being taken for half term, Easter, Summer holidays, even Christmas 2016! Let us spoil your furry while you relax. Please be careful out on the roads if you are visiting us this week, we have had some snow which may turn to ice later. With all this chilly weather make sure outdoor bunnies and piggys have extra bedding, alternative bring them into a shed or utility room. Quiff of the week! Fudge! Happy New Year to all! We are now taking bookings for the February half term, Easter holidays. Do book early with us if you are going away July/August as we get booked up very quickly. Cute pictures of Bella & Benny Wishing all our clients and guests a very happy New Year! 23rd Dec. Cuteness x 22nd Dec. Mix and match! 21st Dec. Bunny day! 20th Dec. Piggys again! 19th Dec. More piggy madness! 18th Dec. Piggy Mad! 17th Dec. Buns, Daisy, Daffodil & Munchie 16th Dec. Bunnies Phil & Ernie 15th Dec. Diego the Degu 14th. Dec. Cute sleepy Albert 13th Dec. 'The Furry Trio' Mack, Jack & Bailey 12th Dec. Piggys, Natchy & Mimi 11th Dec. Our more unusual guests! 10th Dec. Hamster nuts! 9th Dec. Piggy lips & kisses, Coco & Callie 8th Dec. The very laid back Fizz. 7th Dec. Dexter the chipmunk who loved Marmite on toast! 6th Dec. Summer action shot of Chilli & Pepper. 5th Dec. The gorgeous galar Candy. 4th Dec. Patchy being very comfy 3rd Dec. Chinchillas Ruby & Lulu 2nd Dec. Today is Darcey the bunny Advent calendar season, 25 adorable pictures of our guests! Starting with our very own piggy, Birdie. We have vacancies over the New Year period, so if you are heading away or having friends and family round we can look after your small furries. Drop offs from December 27th, 9 till 12. pick ups from January 4th normal times apply. Big thank you to Mr & Master Skittering Pig for building the new accommodation I hope the bunnies will be very happy! New boy Albert has totally settled here at Skittering Pig! Albert has now gone home we really hope he enjoyed his stay and that he will come back for more cuddles. New guest day today, starting to get ready now for all our Christmas and New Year boarders. Pippin & Fudge called in this week for a pamper session they are only 6 months old and very cute. We also had another Fudge and Black Jack stop by for a second visit these two sweeties also had nice baths while with us. Getting ready today for some new guests. We still have some vacancies for over the New Year period. Running from 30th December till 4th December. We will not be accepting drop off or pick ups on December 31st, 1st, 2nd or 3rd January. Celebrations here this week Master Skittering pig had his birthday! All guests shared in the celebration with extra treats. Cream & Benga two dumbo rat brothers were most pleased with their treat balls. Marble & Blu mum has been very happy with our home visit service, we are glad she was happy with our services. The 6 Piggyteers have arrived for a few days, Snowy has had a pamper with bath time tomorrow. Fizz has been a very good girl taking her medicine with no fuss. The Furry Trio have now gone home loved those boys! Bella & Patch have arrived today looked on by Alfie & Daisy. The Furry Trio have been joined by lovely fluffy bunny Alfie, cute ladies Honey & Daisy and the 6 Piggyteeers of Snowy, Charlie, Harry, Teddy, Bubble & Squeak. Bailey the bunny, Mack & Jack the piggies have joined us today all three are settling in. Barley & Buttons have had a great time these 2 girls loved making a lovely mess! More new guests this week, Cream & Benga 2 rat brothers have been settling in. All guest were loving their new toys this week lovely to see them all so excited! New guests Darcy and Louis settling in! Thinking about a Half term break? Dont forget your small furries, let us here at Skittering Pig pamper them and spoil them while you relax. You can also book them in for a lovely bath and nail trim only £5 extra per booking! BIG NEWS! due to a demand by our clients Skittering Pig are now offering a cat feeding service, we will visit your home and feed your feline as well as looking after your small furry in the comfort of our animal hotel. Rocky & Crunch, Natchy & Mimi are back for the weekend! being joined by Barney & Lola two snuggly bunnies. Lots of coming and going over the past week. In for a few days on holiday from Hogwarts was Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Pixie & Coco made another visit too. We have also been joined by these handsome feathered friends, Mango, Chutney, Eli & Leah. Blossom & Bubbles have also arrived for the weekend. All guests smelling sweet and looking beautiful after their pamper day. This cute little fellow is Diego the degu he is very cute and very vocal. Wow busy days here a Skittering Pig. Gorgeous Callie and handsome Hammy have departed we hope they enjoyed their holiday with us. Pictures to come of Alfie & Archie two guinea pig boys, Diego a handsome, funny and super cute Degu and back for another visit the very pretty lady piggy called Lola who is a sibling of our very own Birdie. Rocky, Crunch, Chilli & Pepper are having great fun with the compost box and foraging in the big run, had grumpy faces yesterday as they had to have indoor play, Bubble,Squeak,Fizz,Lily,Scully and Biscuit all had playpen time, new boys Alfie & Archie had a pamper and nail trim. For Fudge & Daisy the hamsters it was all too much and they slept most of the day. Lots of guest have now departed, so its a big wash up and clean down day watched and inspected by our 'Girls' Lulu & Ruby. Garden time for Bubble & Squeak and later it will be pamper time for Heidi & Pippin, Hammy and Daisy are of course still in bed! Some pictures of guests first up is Fudge & Black Jack, then super speedy Daisy she is so fast! and always so busy :) Two cute piggys in the form of Heidi & Pippin they are quite young and skitty but have settled in well. Managed to get the other hamsters, the brown and white is Ziggy and the black one is Hammy. Busy day guest departing and guests arriving, Dizzy & Bubbles have gone home but we have welcomed, Ziggy, Daisy & Hammy the hamsters and Moon & Star guinea pigs are back with us for a few days. After the horrible wet day yesterday we have managed some run time for Bubble & Squeak and the 4 Piggyteers (Thistle, Dolly, Crumpet & Kiko). Stanley is playing in the playpen, well actually he is currently asleep. Pamper time for Fudge & Black Jack. Holiday Time! Lots of piggys coming for their holidays. Some pictures of our new arrivals, Thistle, Dolly, Crumpet, Kiko, Bubble & Squeak. We sadly learnt yesterday that one of our regular guests Mabel the rabbit has passed away, our thoughts are with her mum & dad during this difficult time. We have a new guest, Stanley the rabbit has joined us for some holiday time! Bubble and Squeak are getting totally spoilt, Bubble has been a little poorly which required a trip to our vet, glad to say after some antibiotics he is back to his busy self. Here at Skittering Pig we like to go the extra mile! The young owners of Bubble & Squeak have been missing them so to cheer them up I made a card, just to let them know that their piggys are well :) Wow what hot weather, all guest had garden time early this morning but were back in the cool by 10am! Remember to not leave pets in direct sunlight but provide plenty of shade also make sure they have water. Our guests finally managed to have some garden time! Hoping to put up some pictures later of our latest guests, guinea pigs Moon & Star and Bubble & Squeak. Celebration day! Skittering Pig is 1 Yes we have been running a whole year! A huge thanks to friends and especially my family for supporting me and of course massive thanks and appreciation to all my clients who have trusted me with their precious animals. Here is to many more! The cute bunny Yin has re joined us for a lovely weekend of fun and games, hope he can try out the sand pit (well compost/ earth pit). All our hutches and toys have been scrubbed and sterlised all nice and tidy , waiting now for our new guests. Having a rare quite moment the last of our weekend boarders Yin went home today so its just 'the girls', so tomorrow we are having a huge scrub down and major wash before our new arrivals. Yesterday we welcomed 6 guinea pigs for a weekend visit! Snowy, Charlie, Bubble, Squeak, Hector and Teddy have all settled in well, Snowy has even had a bath and pamper x Lovely Yin has joined us for another visit, we so love having him. Also we welcome Sookie a very tiny hamster who is super fast! The gorgeous Phil & Ernie have joined us, the lovely bunny boys have had so much fun exploring including the new run and dig pan! Lovely day yesterday with Rocky, Toffee & Birdie. Rocky & Toffee spent the day in the run playing in the grass tubes, then the boys came in and had a lovely bath and dry with the hairdryer. Then had Birdie out in the other run before bringing him in for his bath all three looked very smart and fluffy. Busy day! Rocky, Toffee & Toro have settled in well. This is their 3rd visit and were our first boarders, hope to get some pictures soon of the boys. Two very sweet bunnies came for a pamper yesterday the cute Daisy & Poppy they had some time in our new bunny run and loved checking it out, I actually sat in the run with them and groomed them great space to be in and I am sure we will lots of happy bunnies. This cute bunny Mabel came for a pamper day x 'I have a "naughty" but thoroughly loveable bunny. I was recommended skittering pig and so happy i have found somewhere for her to be pampered. Excellent groomers who genuinely love small animals. Already booked in for next time.' Today we welcomed cute guinea pigs, Dizzy & Bubbles these ladies are settling in well and I promised their owner a very sweet 3 year old that we were going to take great care of his pigs. Had this lovely comment from Candy, Sammy & Charlie's owners. 'lovely place more than happy with care received ,top class thank you so much ,Highly Recommended xxx' Sad day today as we say goodbye to our feathered friends, Candy, Sammy & Charlie. We are now a member of the Rabbit Welfare Association & Fund. Skittering Pig always encourages owners to neuter and vaccinate their bunnies. We always put our animals welfare first and try to educate that rabbits are a 10 year commitment while guinea pigs can live up to 7 years. Please consider the time these living creatures will need before buying a pet. Harry & Teddy were bought to us by one of our regular clients, her husband had rescued them for awful conditions so they came here for some tlc and pampering, we had the boys for 4 days to make sure they were ok. Happy to say both pigs are healthy and were taken to their new home today, they are going to be spoilt and have a much better life than where they were. GET WELL! Sending get well wishes to one of our regular guests, the lovely guinea pig Snowy, we hope he is up and about soon. Glad to report that Snowy has an ear infection and is responding well to his medication. NEW SERVICE We all know the feeling just got back from holiday managed to pick up some milk on the way, go to feed the small furry and find you have not picked up anything for them! Skittering Pig can help, just give us a list of dry food, hay, sawdust and we can have it ready for your return. Sweetie Yin has gone home but Chilli & Pepper are back for another weekend of being pampered and spoilt. Clean out and pamper day ready for the weekend! Here is hoping the weather holds so we can get guest out into the garden. Thinking of your summer holiday? dont forget your small furry friends holiday too, book them in for a totally spoilt time :) Wow busy busy! Yin has settled into the routine and is enjoying all our new guests! First up are Bindi & Rembrandt two cheeky rats who love to hide in their bed pod, Cookie the hamster is super cute and love to tuck into his fruit sticks and guinea pig boys Patchy & Wizz. We have also had Snowy the guinea pig for a pamper day. Yin the bunny is back with us from tomorrow he is very sweet and no doubt will be looking for his coriander first thing in the morning. Dexter and Niklaus were great to have, Dexter was so cute and super fast! He loved his cup of tea in the afternoon and Marmite on toast! we did finally get a picture of Niklaus. Introducing Dexter and Niklaus. Niklaus is asleep so photos later but here is a cute one of Dexter Smokey the cute hamster has gone home, tomorrow we are welcoming new guests, Dexter the chipmunk and Nikalaus the Pygmy hedgehog, hope to get some lovely pictures. Rufus sporting his new hairstyle, Nelson was being camera shy. Busy week, we welcome the very cute Smokey the hamster and Rufus and Nelson have come today for a pamper day. Cute little Yin has gone home, he was fine after his operation and his owner was very grateful for the service we offered. We hope he 'hops' back to see us soon. Our 'birdies' are doing well they have settled in and are enjoying the attention especially Candy who has free range most of the day. She is lovely and very affectionate. Yin has had taken advantage of our neutering service, he is doing very well after his operation, eating and playing, being very happy. We still have vacancies for this half term term! Yin is coming back to us this week, looking forward to having him back. Phew! what a busy week! we have had some lovely new arrivals this week in the form of Candy who is a Galar, Sammy the cockatiel and Charlie the parakeet. All have settled in well and enjoying being with us especially Candy who seems to love Mr Skittering Pig! Check out our new neutering service! If you have no time to take your pets to the vets we can help! See our prices and how it all works on our new header. Our first clients are Chilli & Pepper both are well and sporting the latest Medical Shirts to stop stitches being pulled, much better than those plastic collars! The bunnies sure do love their coriander! filled in a kitchen roll tube it gives them some forage play before destroying the tube completely. Fully clean out day today the buns loved having lots of free play at 6am! Heading out for the school halfterm? Lots on over the Easter break, book your pet into us for a nice comfortable relaxing holiday as well. Its birthday day here at Skittering Pig! extra munchables all around later. The adorable Yin, he follows me everywhere, I let him out in the morning and he hops about between the board room and the kitchen while I see to our other guests, here he is at 6am! with morning treat of coriander. Here is the cuddly Munchie and the beautiful very cuddly Daisy coming out to play also at 6am, it was clean out morning they hopped around and played in the tunnels. Daffy was still in bed! she did come out but was sooo quick today I did not get a good picture. They love their bunny pan and are happily eating the straw and hay! Cinnamon & Nibbles were being camera shy and these boys also were not out of bed at 6am. Ruby & Lulu were up and about and had a lovely dust bath while Sybil played being 'Mission Impossible' by swinging on her bars Wow we have had a busy few days, we have changed our board room and accommodation, we now have some smart new flooring that is easy to clean and a large bunny hutch with run attached. We welcome bunnies Daisy, Daffodil & Munchie, also bunnies Cinnamon & Nibbles plus the cute Yin is with us too he has taken to following me around; so sweet. Ruby & Lulu are still in charge and are keeping a very careful watch on the newcomers. Sybil is taking it all in her stride and just likes to wizz around in her ball. Pictures to come. Hot off the press pictures of cute hamster Sybil just about to go into her ball. Pictures of the adorable bunny Yin, he is very cute and friendly. Today we welcomed Sybil a very active cute hamster. Our guests and pets were very appreciative of their gifts. We welcomed today Yin a gorgeous young bunny. Merry Christmas, thank you for making our first 6 months a success! Advent calendar We hope you are enjoying our pictures of our very cute guests. We have been very busy with arrivals, we welcomed Chilli & Pepper bunnies yesterday, hope to have some pictures soon Day 24 Ruby & Lulu, Have hung up their stocking ready for Santa! Day 23 Dandelion, such a cutie! Day 22 Connor, Here is Szarik's playmate, he is a big teddy bear and so cuddly. Day 21 Chilli & Pepper, completely bonkers bunnies! Day 19 & 20 Jake & Szarik, adorable little bird and snuggly piggy. Day 18 Toffee, Playing in the lush grass. Day 17 Milo, some more cute bunny pictures. Day 16 Sputnick, Our piggy before Birdie, he was so cute and very lazy! Day 15 Our Birdie helping with the Seasonal wrapping. Day 14 Ruby & Lulu, As the girls are staying for Christmas, another picture of them being adorable. Day 13 Torro, this little chap comes with Rocky & Toffee, he is very sweet and very friendly. Day 12 Angel, our very own cat. Day 11 Jake & Ellwood (Ellie), Our friends house bunnies. Happy Feet Pets looked after our Birdie while we were on vacation. Day 10 Scruffy & Dewey, these ladies dropped by for some pamper time Day 9 Dandelion & Milo, we had had Dandelion previous, this time she came with her new playmate Milo. Day 8 Coco & Pixie, these baby girls came for lots of cuddles Day 7 Milky Way, this little chap and his friend Smokey came for a nail trim and brush. Day 6 Lola, on speaking to her owners this lovely lady is possibly a relation of our own Birdie. Day 5 Connor & Szarik, these guys have stayed a few times with us now and are always adorable and so cuddly. Day 4 Jake, this very sweet 9 year old cockatiel managed to mimic phones and alarms while he was with us Day 3 Lulu & Ruby, the gorgeous girls. These beautiful chinchillas are currently staying with us and are very adorable. The girls are also about 2 years old. Day 2 Rocky & Toffee, these two boys were our first boarders, they have been back to us several times and are delightful to have they are about 2 years old. Day 1 First picture is of our own gorgeous guinea pig Birdie. Birdie is a 2 year old little boy piggy. Today we are getting into the festive spirit! Our decorations start to go up plus our small tree. From tomorrow we are going to run a Skittering Pig advent calendar featuring a cute picture a day of our boarders that have come to stay over the last six months. We have been delighted that our guests have been happy with our services and that we have had repeat business too. We would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Well with Christmas just around the corner our residents are looking forward to seeing the pictures on the Advent calendar. We still have vacancies for your pets if you are heading out over the holiday period. Our beautiful Chinchillas Ruby & Lulu are staying for Christmas! these lovely girls are having more play outside of their cage now and enjoy racing each other up the stairs where Lulu like to leap on top of the laundry basket I think she thinks its a winners podium! Yesterday we had the lovely Eric the bunny drop in, he looked so smart after his pamper and nail trim. Don't forget we are offering a stress free Christmas for your pet, book your pets in today for a quiet, lazy holiday. All boarders will receive a gift from Santa. More Happy Birthday! celebrations but in the human form today so everyone gets treats :) Extra greens for Birdie guinea pig, cheesy treats for Angel the cat, extra flake for Fish and a chinchilla treat for Ruby & Lulu. Jingle Bells! Jingle Bells! Christmas is upon us and with relatives and friends staying or yourself staying with relatives why not give your pets a break. We are offering peaceful surroundings with no stress while you can enjoy the festivities. All pets will receive a gift from Santa too! We are open all through the holidays. Lovely Tweet from Pippin & Po owner: thank you @Skitteringpig for looking after the guinea pigs. they had a fab time, totally spoilt! Thank you for the outstanding care and attention given to my daughters guinea pigs. Very highly recommended. After a clean out and brush or dust bath the guys and girls have tucked into breakfast and are now just chillin! Played them all some soothing Andre Rieu music last night to help with the horrors of fireworks, glad to say everyone was fine and no one seemed stressed they liked the music too. What a busy day yesterday! Lots of new guinea pigs, Coco & Pixie are two adorable girls, they are 5 months old and so sweet. They have been joined by boisterous 6 month old boys, Pippin & Po totally cute. We also had the delightful Scruffy & Dewey who popped in for a pamper session and nail trim. Lulu & Ruby decided to keep watch on all the newcomers, Lulu took to her top perch peering over the edge at the piggys, while Ruby sat on her branch at the bottom to keep an eye on the lads in the hutch. The Princesses have been making lots of squeaks to which the piggys have been squeaking back and chatting away. Sounds like a girlie gossip! CORONAVIRUS Here at Skittering Pig we are still operating as there has been no link from the virus passing between rabbits, guinea pigs and cats. We already have a strict infection control policy due to the virility of RHVD2. This goes for home visits too. However if you are poorly before or after your holiday and your companion is in our care we will gladly look after them until you can pick them up. Also if you have paid and then cancel your agreement with us due to Coronavirus a full refund will be issued. |